


We import most of our reindeer products from Scandinavia. We buy the reindeer products from the company Polarica, a leader in game and reindeer products.

Reindeer meat is a valuable source of nutrients with lots of iron, protein and selenium, and it contains several vitamins such as A and E and vitamins of the B group. Reindeer eat about 300 plant species, including green plants, grasses, mushrooms, lichens and moss.

Reindeer growth is not artificially stimulated. Reindeer are butchered when their meat is at its best. Moreover, reindeer meat is usually suitable for people with wheat allergies. Reindeer meat is only available as a fresh product during butchering season! Reindeer meat is exceptionally tolerant to freezing and is therefore used and offered as a frozen product all year round.

The notable characteristics of reindeer meat:
• Low fat content
• Fine fibres
• Nutritious
• Good fatty acid composition
• Rich in protein
• Rich in vitamins
• Rich in minerals and micro nutrients

Available frozen


Check out our roe deer page too

Meat cuts European reindeer:

  • Loin
  • Leg
  • Shoulder
  • Trimming

Quick & direct contact

Want to know more about getting reindeer meat? I would be happy to help you.


"Wondering when our reindeer meat is available as a fresh product? The team can tell you all about it."

Luuk van Wissen
Luuk van Wissen
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