The Better Life label provides insight into the animal welfare behind our products
In addition to organic products, Luiten Food – Thomas Foods Europe also offers an extensive selection of Better Life-labelled products. The animals of keepers who are Better Life certified meet the following criteria:
• They have access to enrichment materials • They are slow-growing breeds • They live longer • They have more living space • They have sufficient opportunities to exercise natural behaviour, compared to animals in conventional livestock farming.
In cooperation with Stichting Beter Leven, we looked at implementing the French label ‘Label Rouge’. With some additional criteria from the Better Life quality mark, the French ‘Label Rouge’ has been awarded the following star certification by Stichting Beter Leven:
Aside from Label Rouge, the quality mark Nature & Respect has been awarded the following star certification by Stichting Beter Leven:
The entire chain of both quality mark is audited annually, by both French and Dutch certifying bodies. These bodies are appointed by Stichting Beter Leven. Luiten Food – Thomas Foods Europe has been certified as processor for the following Better Life products:
• 1-star chicken • 2-star chicken • 3-star chicken • 1-star turkey • 2- star turkey • 1-star rabbit • 1-star pork • 1-star veal
Find out what the Better Life quality mark stars mean
Quality is paramount to us; we make sure to keep our certifications up to date.
"Would you like to know more about our selection of poultry? If so, feel free to contact us."